Beck’s Game, It’s Here! Part Two: Seven Sisters

22 June 2024

Most new Players don’t have a mentor, they’re just thrown into it and have to work it all out for themselves. When they do their first raid they are most often caught.’
‘What happens?’ Yet again Rhys had the realisation that this definitely was not free money.
‘Don’t get caught and you won’t need to find out.’

The Game is Rhys’ solution to his problems, but there is much to learn and no one is quite clear exactly what the penalties are.
The next time he runs through the Underground it’s not because he’s late.
Why is Alex so scared of breaking the rules? And was signing up too convenient? Too easy? How dangerous is all this?
Beck’s Game: Series 1 Part 2 – Seven Sisters. A PDF of 28 pages.

It’s here! You can download Part Two now, free of charge. Click here or go to the Beck’s Game link above, and click on the link or you can go via

Or just click on the Beck’s Game picture in the right of the page.

Each part is a PDF around 20 pages or more.

I’m giving it away free of charge but if you would like to make a donation I’d appreciate it. You can do that via the ko-fi link above or the Beck’s Game link in the menu bar. Thanks.

I really hope you enjoy reading this unfolding puzzle. I’ve put a lot of work into it, from writing the whole thing (all parts are now complete and ready to go), to editing and everything else. The only thing I didn’t do is take the pictures which are credited on the PDF.

London awaits.

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